Monthly Archives: May 2009

Friday making intro

My job has a really awesome perk in how it’s scheduled – it’s a 4 day workweek, so I always have Fridays off. This has resulted in a number of days where I have slept ’til noon, not changed out of my pjs, and done a whole lot of nothing with my free time. Lovely though that can be, I’m giving myself a challenge: to actually make things on Fridays. No limits, no requirement that they be good things, or useful things, or even pretty things, but simply that I spend some of my time using my hands to make things. And then record the results here. So here goes.

photo shoot and juggling

I had a beautiful day today – started out a bit iffy, with a photo shoot that’d been rescheduled three times for weather already. This morning it was incredibly hazy, but we really couldn’t reschedule again, so we decided to do the indoor shots we needed and hope the fog would burn off in time to get a good outdoor shot. I’m not yet totally confident on photo shoots – the balance between the photographer’s eye and my authority as a designer is delicate, and it’s not a line I have a lot of practice walking. It went really well, though- we got beautiful shots, the fog burned off so we could get everything we needed, and we’ll have files on time to make our deadline.

While we stood outside in this perfectly amazing day, I had a sudden need to go juggling. So I emailed a friend, and we met up in the park after work. He’s not a particularly stable club passer, so I spent the time mainly focusing on delivering perfect throws and practicing recovering unsteady catches. There’s always space in club passing to be a little closer to perfect. It was a lot of fun – catching back up with him and reviewing my basics.

So my day was bookended by something that I feel very uncertain about, and something I’m very certain of, and both of them went wonderfully. Way to build confidence!

a strange beginning

This is an odd post to start my blog off with, not having anything to do with art or juggling at all, but it’s what I spent my weekend doing. And it’s going to be way longer than anyone will probably want to read, but I’m putting it all in words for myself, mostly. Though I’m not sure it’s actually possible to even get close to the experience with words, but I’m going to try.

So – on Saturday, May 2nd, I jumped out of a plane! This all started when Kimberly, one of my best friends from college, sent out an email telling us all about her first skydive, which she did in November – it was a birthday present from her husband. And she was going to go again, and did any of us want to go with her? I definitely did – I’ve wanted to skydive since I was sixteen, and never had the opportunity before. I’d made a deal with my mother, too, that I was allowed to skydive, but only if I didn’t tell her about it until afterwards. So Kimberly made our reservations, and I claimed to be going to visit her for no particular reason.
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