Monthly Archives: January 2016

Austria, 2015-2016

My trip started with a flight from San Antonio to Houston on a tiny plane, and then a flight from Houston to Munich, on which we were served dinner, expected to sleep, and then five hours later were awoken for breakfast. Sleeping on planes is not a skill I have, so by the time we landed in Munich, I was pretty tired, and it was 10 am. I met up with Maria, a juggler I knew from Wisconsin Pass-out this summer, in the Munich airport train station- we took the metro to the west station in Munich, got our train to Salzburg, changed trains and got to Linz. We had two hours until the next bus to Konigsweisen, so we got hot chocolate and checked email, to discover Frank and Juli were going to be going through Linz in about half an hour with space for two people in their car. Maria called them, and they stopped to get us – much better than the bus!

Konigsweisen is a tiny town – 3000 people. The Austrian countryside is beautiful, with lots of tiny groups of houses and such. Karlingerhaus seems to usually host school groups or camp-type things – they’re a little confused by us, but seem to think we’re polite enough. I found a bed in a room with seven beds, but only five were occupied – though one of those snored. Ah well, I had earplugs for a reason.


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