I have a house!

I didn’t post that I actually didn’t get my house on the 13th, but rather actually closed on it on September 11th. Great omen, there, after all the issues with closing. But anyway, I have a house, now. And I have refinished floors of awesomeness too – it is amazing how much better they look now that they’ve been refinished. I did a very undignified happy dance when they sanded a chunk of floor and let me pick colors – I went with Early American, which is a lovely reddish-brown tone, a bit darker than what was there before. It is ridiculously awesome and I loves it, my precious, I do.

My roofer just called, too. He was supposed to start my roof last Tuesday. But it rained. And then it continued to rain for the rest of the week. But it looks like he’ll maybe be able to do my roof this week, assuming the weather holds out. Which will be REALLY EXCITING. Because it will be beautiful, but also partially because I really hope the mosquito invasion is because the gutters suck, and he’s replacing the gutters as well as the roof (current bugbite count = only two, because I remembered the bug spray. Bite count the first time I hung out on my porch for fifteen minutes = 25. At least.). YAY.

I’m also painting and getting carpet in the bedrooms this week. All of which will bring this house closer to what I know it can be. Oh, right, and I’m moving in on Friday, too, so at that point, all these projects won’t require me to remember which place my toolbox is, or cause me to carry my vacuum (wow that thing is heavy) across town because floor refinishing produces sawdust like that was the actual goal.

This house thing is giving my dad projects too – like fixing the front step so it’s level, and adding a layer of brick on top so it’s not an incredibly low step followed by a big step. And figuring out what the heck is up with the northeast corner of my basement, which is never actually wet with puddles, but is constantly damp. I am not certain that I would’ve been willing to take on this level of fixer-upper of a house if I lived somewhere further from my parents – having him to obsess about certain details leaves me free to obsess about different details, and yet they all get handled.

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